It was a great day (June 22) on the drive-about. Certainly is always enjoyable to see my plant friends even if it is hot. Anyway, that is a good reason for a drive-about don’t you think?
The Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa ssp interior) was visited by an equally colorful Assassin Bug (Apiomerus spissipes)!
A nice patch of roadside Rough-stem Rosinweed (Silphium radula)!
The Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa var mollis) was hanging on in the shade!
Another friend! The parasitic False Foxglove (Aureolaria grandiflora) was not yet in full bloom. It is semi-parasitic to oaks. Thanks to Shirley, I know of two locations!
Was this like the bee’s version of air guitar playing?
The Rock Scurf-pea (Pediomelum reverchonii)! As the common name suggests, it is found on limestone soils. This year’s crop was shorter than I have seen before. Maybe the lack of rain?
Second to the last stop, a new cemetery for me. I don’t if know how we missed it before. Though maybe there was not a sign previously.
Many of the graves that were not marked, now had the orange makers. There was much poison ivy, but it was short. Which means someone recently had mowed.
Another sign of recent visitors was the not faded plastic flower. Multiple of the headstones had death dates around 1912.
1890 was the earliest marker I found. However, I did not look close at a lot them because of the poison ivy.
This particular headstone caught my eye. Can you see why?
Here’s why!
The lichens are cool of course too!
My last stop was the withering Potato-vine (Ipomoea pandurata). A grand day!
Amazing how the frog is so well camouflaged. I wanna see the cemetery too. And i want a monarda in my yard. Claire and Suzanne say the cleverest things. Not to forget all the clever observations Mary makes.
It’s a little gargoyle frog!!!!!
That’s a good description for it!
Oh wow I’d love to visit that cemetery! The tree frog looks just like a part of the monument! Great pics.
Amazing how the frog is so well camouflaged. I wanna see the cemetery too. And i want a monarda in my yard. Claire and Suzanne say the cleverest things. Not to forget all the clever observations Mary makes.
Ha ha Claire got it 😉 And definitely need to go back to the cemetery this winter.