June 20 -26 is National Pollinator Week. Support your local pollinators all year. Who are the pollinators? For most people bumblebees, honey bees, and butterflies come to mind first. In addition to the aforementioned, there are a whole slew of others doing the job! For example, ants are among the pollinators, though not a big pollinator here in North Texas. However, one plant that we do have, the Trout Lily (Erythronium mesochoreum) is pollinated by ants. Not always a direct pollinator, the ants may also be a protector for some plants.
Moths are definitely pollinators! Mint-loving Pyrausta (Pyrausta acrionalis) hang around the Salvia in my yard. Of course, all the nocturnal moths are working the night shift. Furthermore, recent research shows that moths are major players.
There are many tiny bees that are working. So its not just the honey bees and bumblebees!
Another tiny bee on Wavy Thistle!
This bee underside was coated with pollen!
A tiny bee does the job for Frogfruit (Phyla nodiflora)!
A wasp (Subfamily Eumeninae – Potter and Mason Wasps) also visits!
Fleabane (Erigeron strigosa) plays host to this bee. Big work for such tiny creatures!
A tiny bee takes its turn on the Meadow Pink (Sabatia campestris)!
Long-horned Flower Beetles (Cerambycidae) are certainly contributors. Many were on the Brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta var pulcherrima) this morning!
Now what about the Dipteras? “Flies have been estimated to contribute to the pollination of at least 70% of food crops. and are the dominant group of pollinators in some environmental settings such as areas in high altitude and latitude, where bees are absent or scarce.” according to Maryland Agronomy News.
Another visitor to the Meadow Pink (Sabatia campestris) from a Bee fly (Bombyliidae)! This group is a big contributor!
So many critters unknown to me. My bee house has shown me some ive never seen before. Thanks for all the pics. And reminding us to help all critters.
Thanks 😊
Hooray for the trout lily ants!
Kinda your fav eh😎
I love the shiny thin green fly. The family is Dolichopodidae I believe.
I will check it out, thanks!