Can one really not stop to look? In fact, it may be in the DNA of a naturalist to stop. 😉
The American Basketflower was going to seed. The comb-like phyllaries are awesome!
A good year for the Standing Cypress! And Thomsen has its share 🙂
One Standing Cypress decided to stand out in the crowd with these pale orange flowers!
A grasshopper takes a moment on the Rough-stem Rosinweed (Silphium radula). A little different from the others in the genus with its ovate leaves.
Rattlesnake-master (Eryngium yuccifolium) was abundant!
Jeanne can not pass up a nest box check!
She was rewarded with Carolina Wren nestlings! Pop builds the bulk of the nest. Ma does the finishing touches with a fine lining. (Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of North America Birds by Baicich and Harrison).
Concluding the Thomsen Foundations finds. Tomorrow on to the Garnett Preserve!
A good day!
So much beauty all around us.
Looking forward to tomorrow! Gonna be warm though!
Just hope we get a breeze (fingers crossed)