Today, it started off windy and cloudy in lovely Fannin County. So we were very thankful for the wind and the clouds for the first half of the day! Then in the second half of the day our only relief was the wind. Yeah for the wind!
Jeanne looking for the Frosted Elfin caterpillar on Yellow Wild Indigo (Baptisia sphaerocarpa)!
After a few minutes of searching, success! Since I had been at this location three weeks ago, the cats had grown!
The patch of Yellow Wild Indigo was looking great!
A side view!
Their little proleg feet were so cute. Ok maybe you had to be there LOL!
Who couldn’t love the Frosted Elfin’s face? 🙂
Also found was a spittlebug’s spit!
I often find these little gray weevils on the Yellow Wild Indigo.
Here were two cats and some other kind of insect eggs!
Each egg was about 1mm…tiny!
This is a closeup of these cuties. I believe these may be an Io Moth (Automeris io) eggs. The Io Moth has a multitude of host plants.
I bet you can tell we are having too much fun and this was only the morning field surveying! 😉
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Their feet look like glass!
I thought that that too. 😊
I think that larva is cute. Feet too. The yellow indigo looks healthy.
Fannin county has certainly had more rain than Wise.