Continuing on with the first First Wednesday outing! The group watches for all the flora and fauna. For example, the Indigo Bunting gave some nice views of it singing its song. Butterflies were not numerous, but there were some sulphurs, Buckeyes, fritillaries and various moths.
Thanks Judy for sharing your photo!
A Linden Looper (Erannis tiliaria) caterpillar front two legs look like pinchers until you got up close. When ID’ing caterpillars be sure to count how many prolegs they have. The prolegs are not true legs, but do aid in locomotion and grip. In this photo, you can see two sets of prolegs gripping the stem.
Large Milkweed Beetles (Oncopeltus fasciatus) on Antelope Horns milkweed! The paler one mating is a freshly molted adult. According to BugGuide, you can raise them on sunflower, watermelon or cashew seeds.
Denise spotted this cat on the ground, the Southern Dogface butterfly larva. It feeds on legumes which there was plenty nearby!
A most cooperative Short-lined Chocolate (Argyrostrotis anilis) sat still for closeups! After searching the Erebidae family and the genus, I found that it is likely that the larvae feeds on a variety of plants, including Hawthorn and Prunus.
A Longhorn Flower Beetle (Typocerus sinuatus) on a Standing Winecup!
Along side of the road, the nightshade, Western Horse Nettle (Solanum dimidiatum) were blooming!
Nightshade is great place to look for a variety of beetles such as this Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata)!
In brief, the group shared many tidbits of knowledge with each other. Outings like this are a chance to learn and share from others! I know I do!
So I am certainly looking forward to the next First Wednesday outing!
Update: All the Carolina Chickadee have fledged!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
I so enjoy the great closeup photos. And happy to see the chickadees have fledged.
I so enjoy the great closeup photos. And happy to see the chickadees have fledged.
There are some pretty beetles out there. I especially love the longhorn. I too am looking forward to the next outing. Thanks.
I’m so glad Judy, Susan and Michelle joined us – it’s been a while. Nice to meet Denise and Jeannie too. Yes, looking forward to June’s adventure!
Great field trip! That Chocolate moth is beautiful!