Monday night survey

After having a wonderful day with Suzanne, it was time to take the surveying for the Frosted Elfin for a night survey. For this part it would just be Jim, Gracie, and I.

The sun sinking!

At 7:50 PM, it was dipping down at the horizon. So we had just made it to our destination.
Meanwhile, the cows were grazing in the field.

Gracie was happy to have her freedom! No leash!

A sign had blown into the field.

The cows were coming to greet us. Did we have food for them was probably what was on their minds. I had to shoo them off several times. They were very curious!

It was finally getting dark enough so the UV light worked. On the Yellow Wild Indigo (Baptisia sphaerocarpa), I found these little clear resin globs on some of the plants. Speculating and hoping. they might be from the Frosted Elfin caterpillars. Ants are suppose to tend to the caterpillars sometimes for the sweet drops.

Finding the same bud on the same plant Suzanne and I had found earlier that day, it had opened!

A stink bug glowed. I was beginning to wonder if we would find any Frosted Elfin caterpillars.

Hunkered down, I searched each plant carefully.
After searching for a good fifteen minutes, the first cat glowed for me!

Two more cats were found! So that was an average one cat every fifteen minutes. Most certainly, I was pleased!
Finally after a forty-five minute search, we headed back to camp. To sum it up, it was a success!

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


  1. The cat wasn’t what i expected. Great it glows. Makes it easier to find. So happy you found it. Very successful trek indeed.

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