I got the Dixon Water Foundation posts out of order and this really is the last one for November 9th. So as promised earlier, this post is about the fossils. These were all found on the DWF outing on November 9th.
The rock was interesting just by itself with channels in it. However this rock yielded an exciting fossil for me! So I sat down next to it to get a closer look.
Here is what I found! At first glance, I thought it was a leaf. Then I stopped to look closer. And then I knew it was not a leaf.
There were multiple pieces embedded in the rock.
This was another piece!
A closer view!
Even closer!
Such an awesome fossil! On further examination of the photos at home, we decided it could be Holaster simplex. I saw it called a sea biscuit. It lived in the Cretaceous period. Source: Index Fossils of North America by Shimer and Shrock
A squished fossil shell!
Quartz crystals formed here.
Ammonite fossil!
Not sure what how this one would fit into the fossil category, but looks fossil-like to me.
An impression!
Concretion! A concretion is not actually a fossil. Concretions come in many shapes. In this example it is the “y”.
A polar bear? Sure were lots of great finds at DWF! And I am sure there are many more to find!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Wonderful fossils. Glad you found out what the fossil was. Love the polar bear.
Wonderful fossils. Glad you found out what the fossil was. Love the polar bear.
They were cool fossils!
You got lots of good pictures!
You did too! Here is Claire’s blog https://garden.eeclaire.com/?p=2226
Wow, I’m entranced by the Holaster simplex! Great find!