The ravines on the grasslands are magical. As a result, they draw us down into their depths. You just never know what a waits you around the next bend in a ravine!
First a small Southern Shield Fern caught our eye!
Truly it must be the sound of running water that draws us down in the creek beds. Adjacent to the ferns were the mosses and Maidenhair ferns!
Next, a tiny brown fungus is on a fallen log!
Each individual is about half to three-quarter of a millimeter across.
Here an aster hung on the side of bank among the mosses!
At this very spot some twenty years ago, Claire and I came across a cool treat. And I have only found it here. Before I tell you what it was, I must tell you that the feature was gone. The pool had filled with rocks, sand and the ledge had caved in. Nature does not stop! Hence, I was a little bit sad that it was gone. So the cool feature were travertine stalactites. They hung down under the rock ledge. Each stalactite was about the size of a straw. The longest was probably about a foot long if my memory serves me right.
So too, the raccoon had moved on leaving only its tracks!
Next a tiny cricket frog paused long enough for its photo! As you can tell, my sadness did not last long. Because there is always something to see!
Still mysteries are waiting to be found. For example, some critter had dug a fresh hole on the side next to the running water!
Maybe twenty feet from the old place of the stalactites was another larger Southern Shield Fern. We sure have found a lot of them in the last year.
As we climbed around to get a closer view of the fern above, OMG this was further down the side fork of the ravine! A beautiful pool with mosses and Maidenhair ferns! The drop was about 7 or 8 feet! The pool was of similar size.
OMG! Stalactites! Large ones are forming behind the roots. And some smaller ones hung amongst the roots! Thus, you just never know what will be around the next bend!
It was a magical spot to behold!
Finally if you did not catch this on PBS this week, I highly recommend watching it…My Garden of a Thousand Bees. Indeed the photography is amazing!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
WOW! What wonderful finds! Maybe you can show me that spot sometime?
WOW! What wonderful finds! Maybe you can show me that spot sometime?
I bet that would be possible!
Photos as always are grand. Love the running water. I agree the bee program was really good.
The bee photographer equipment and patience was something else.
I am so excited you found another one!!!!