Over the course of the days, we spent at my brother’s, there was so much to find. Here in this post are more of those things!
These Black Blister Beetles are quite common in the area. I just love the way they look when they walk sticking their abdomens in the air. This one casts a long shadow!
Next up, the Plains Zinnia (Ainnia grandiflora)!
Colorado Four O’Clock (Mirabilis multiflora) was nestled in with the mesquite tree. Our Four O’clock’s (Mirabilis) in North Texas have much smaller flowers.
Close view! Indeed, a lovely flower that I had not seen before.
It rained one night and the next morning, some of the Jimsonweed flowers had water in their throats!
In addition to the Jimsonweed (Datura wrightii), is this Oak-leaf Thorn-apple (Datura quercifolia) which is native to the area as well.
There were quite a few plants along the road in front of their house.
So you can see where they get the name of thorn-apple after seeing the seed pod. LOL.
Sotol (Dasylirion)! Most of these only had bare stalks so I was lucky to see this one there.
According to Texas A & M, there are 14 species (Aphonopelma) currently found in Texas. My brother had some nice specimens to represent the family.
Finally, a close up of the tarantula so I could see where its eyes were. Arrow points to the eyes!
Zinnias are interesting. So different from the hybridized zinnias we plant. Very pretty. And love the tarantula eyes.