Every day, I try to see something and these are few of the sights I saw today. The clouds today were nice for us, but I hope those folks to south stay safe.
Obscure Bird Grasshopper (Schistocerca obscura)! I love the yellow antennas and equally bright yellow stripe down its back. The name does not seemed to fit with its bright yellow. In fact “obscur” in Latin means covered or dark. So in this case, maybe the namer of this species was just pulling our leg?
A Stink bug nymph (Podisus) on Partridge Pea!
An inchworm on Prairie Gaillard (Gaillard aestivalis)!
Here I think this spent thistle still shines with it many shades of brown!
There are some really pretty grasshoppers
The winning photos are incredible……………such detail and beauty.
Maybe obscura is relative to another species in genus that we don’t have?
Claire, that is a good thought on the why. Thanks!