Hope you didn’t sleep thru the sunrise this morning. For May, we got 5.29″. June is trying its best to catch up to May. I am sure many of you have got much more.
The sunlight at dawn! Really was quite bright and turned the plants golden where the rays were hitting.
By 8am the clouds had started to roll in from the west.
We did get enough rain to make the sidewalk wet again by 11am, but none registered in our rain gauge. The sunshine was welcome this afternoon. This photo is from about 3pm.
Of course the mushrooms are providing me with much enjoyment! This is a new species for me…Amanita amerirubescens complex which goes by the common name of Eastern American Blusher. The bumps on the cap are called warts.
It has a skirt and gills.
The gills are free which means they are not attached to the stem. This can help in ID’ing.
It has a bulbous base.
Split open reveals the reddish flesh.
The spores match what the book says, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, smooth and hyaline. The book that I recently got is Mushrooms of the Gulf Coast States: A Field Guide to Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida ( July 15, 2019) by Alan E. Bessette, Arleen F. Bessette , and David P. Lewis.. It is very nicely done with a lot of details featuring more than 1,000 common and lesser-known species.
I thought this Tapioca slime mold climbing the sapling looked like it was trying to imitate a mushroom. LOL
I have been waiting for this one to show up here at home and my wish was granted today. This is only about one and half inches across. I was hoping this would grow bigger today, but it had disappeared by the afternoon. It is the dog vomit slime mold (Fuligo septica).
A Fun-gi day 😂