Little Bluestem is such a beautiful grass! We are fortunate to live in an area which has it.
This is our field of Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)!
I notice this little brown cocoon on Little Bluestem on this morning walk.It is fairly small at 6.78 mm long. It is now safely home in a jar. While looking for the beetle below, I found that subfamily Case-bearing Leaf Beetles (Cryptocephalinae) actually makes a case that looks similar. So stay tune to see if that is what emerges! 🙂
I have seen several of these beetles on the grasses in the last few days.
It is a pretty one!
The legs are pretty cool too! I think it is Anomoea flavokansiensis beetle. The larvae of this subfamily apparently are detritivores. A new word for me which means it feeds on dead plants and animal material.
This little guy was about 2mm. I spotted its web first, then the spider. I’m going with tiny spider for the ID…LOL.
This Pearl Crescent was also hiding in the Little Bluestem. Its color certainly matches last year stalks!
This is a common moth of the grasses. It is the Snowy Urola (Urola nivalis). I always enjoy spotting it!
Lots of cool stuff to find in the grasses and I barely looked 🙂
Wow, that beetle case is super cool!
Very nice! I’m excited we seem to have a few coming up this year from seeds I got from you. At least last year’s plant and maybe one more…
Sure glad to hear your plants are doing well. Let me know what other plant seeds you might want to try