
This little nymph, possibly a wheelbug, was crawling on my neck.

I thought I had brushed it off, but a few moments later I feel this sting and there it was on my other hand. Ouch! The sting lasted about 20 minutes, but not that bad.

Remember the Snailseed (Cocculus carolinus) from a couple days ago? Here the bird left its present on top of a stump.

Prairie Gaillardia (Gaillardia aestivalis)

Long shadows of fall!
And most exciting for me today… was an American Woodcock near my blackberry patch!!!

Keep looking!
Wow, a woodcock! Fantastic!
I've heard that about the wheel bug's bite. Guess even the little nymphs can do that.
Love the long shadows. Reminds me of a few I have done.
Congrats on the woodcock. Before I paged down I thought "she couldn't have gotten a photograph of it could he?". Ahhh, a drawing!
I was surprised how long the hurt was. And no I don't want to test an adult wheelbug.
Most of the photos in the field, I take I using my iphone now. So no photo worth bothering with a phone for most bird photos. I rarely carry my real camera anymore in the field unless it is a driving tour.
I have always loved the shadows. Sometimes more interesting then the real subject. 🙂
I've experienced a scorpion and a harvester/red ant this summer. Both I do not want to repeat. Do you remember when we first were staying in this cabin but still living in Carrollton and I got bit by a spider in my bed at night? Ended up being a small Green Lynx Spider that somehow was under the covers with me. I was up for about 2 or 3 hours with my leg throbbing.
Wow a woodcock!! Ow on baby wheelbug.
Kathy, I do remember the spider. And wow a Green Lynx! Who would have thought that about them.