On Friday we started to explore the park, Lake Murray State Park. Furthermore we decided to explore the Tucker Tower first. I learned in online search that you could climb to the top. And it was a pretty day so the view would be spectacular. At least that was our hope. However before we started the climb up we stopped in to check out the nature center.
Arriving in the parking lot for the Lake Murray Nature Center I was immediately disappointed in this sign. I mean the hill and the huge boulders above were so inviting. 🙂
Black Vultures were perching near their weather station.
The architecture was pretty neat. So we just knew we would be impressed on what waited for us inside.
There was a lot of info about the rocks in the area like rose rocks, quartz and others. This rock is what is called a concretion and it just happened to resemble a turtle shell.
Want to know about scat? They have the poop on it.
This display of grasses were cool. There was more examples like this nearby. What long roots you have. 😉
If you get tire afterwards, chairs are provided on the deck to enjoy the view of the lake.
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
Lake Murray sights look like fun – mossy licheny rocks are like home.
So distressing about the butterflies – and all the other creatures here on earth that are in such decline.
Those Costa Rican spheres are a wonderful mystery – kinda hope they stay that way.
Yeah it’s fun to guess about the stones. Such a cool nature center. And wow! I knew grass roots went very deep but that’s really something to actually see them.
I’m glad to see the nature center is still going strong. Oklahoma is more interested in investing in their state parks I think. That concretion does look just like a turtle shell!
That nature center looks like they’ve really invested in it since the last time I was there, which was probably 20 years ago! The last time I drove my Girl Scout troop to Lake Murray State Park, they listened to the Weird Al song, Albuquerque, the entire way there. It’s over 11 minutes long, so we heard it 6 or 7 times. All I know is by the time we got there, we all had the lyrics memorized! https://youtu.be/ooI3u4uzEss?si=Rdy1jMkVr1Cwvy8Z
Lake Murray sights look like fun – mossy licheny rocks are like home.
So distressing about the butterflies – and all the other creatures here on earth that are in such decline.
Those Costa Rican spheres are a wonderful mystery – kinda hope they stay that way.
Yeah it’s fun to guess about the stones. Such a cool nature center. And wow! I knew grass roots went very deep but that’s really something to actually see them.
A great nature center!
I’m glad to see the nature center is still going strong. Oklahoma is more interested in investing in their state parks I think. That concretion does look just like a turtle shell!
That nature center looks like they’ve really invested in it since the last time I was there, which was probably 20 years ago! The last time I drove my Girl Scout troop to Lake Murray State Park, they listened to the Weird Al song, Albuquerque, the entire way there. It’s over 11 minutes long, so we heard it 6 or 7 times. All I know is by the time we got there, we all had the lyrics memorized! https://youtu.be/ooI3u4uzEss?si=Rdy1jMkVr1Cwvy8Z