Once again the start of the day was a bit chilly and dreary. However this did not stop Jeanne and I. We heading to check on our friends at the grasslands!
Before making it to my first friend, we found this unusual location for Praying Mantis ooetheca. Never before have I seen an ooetheca on a plant. Normally they are found on hard surfaces. At least that is where I find them. 🙂
As my ruler says, I was here to document any changes to my friend the Jelly Babies (Leotia lubrica). And they had changed! It appeared to me that indeed they were starting to deteriorate. I will keeping checking them until they no longer are visible. Then next year the plan will be to watch for their return. 🤞🏼
The second friend was the Funaria serrata moss I have been watching it grow up too. It still has a way to go to be a full fledged big person. 😉
And the damp weather brought out the algae colors on the lichens!
A new friend as of yet unnamed to the humans. Though in fact I am certain they know. LOL. Additionally there was plant bug that scampered through.
The Earthstar (Geastrum) had finished.
An orbweaver’s web on the ground covered with the jewel-like dew drops! Though I thought it was strange to see a web like this on the ground. Moreover I could only hoped that they knew what they were doing.
We saw old friends and got acquainted with new friends. Though we do not know all their names…yet. 🙂
Very interesting to see the Jelly Baby life cycle!
I’ve never seen praying mantis eggs on any plant either. Strange. Happy about return of the tiger.
Me too!