No Sunshine

The forecasted weather was dreary 0n Friday (13th). However the no sunshine would not dampen our spirits for an adventure. 🙂

Well, you know me I didn’t have to go further than to the restrooms to find something interesting. Appropriately named, the Bathroom Moth Fly (Clogmia albipunctata). LOL.
Checking out the trees, a very cold Praying Mantis (Mantidae).
In fact they did not blink. However I did see them move their “lips”. 😉
How many lichens can you find? Four are obvious with the gray, mint, yellow, and brown colors. But there was at least one more.
The fifth one was black. However with a flash it looked more gray. Sneaky lichens!
A big old rock had this interesting form on it. Looked like it might be a fossil, but I was not certain. Do see some of the white spots near it?
Until you zoom in it was hard to tell they were lichens too.
It was time to head for the trails. We hopped in the truck and drove. On the way we saw deer, squirrels, and one turkey!

Wow a no sunshine day was shining for me already!

A Paleontologist Cracked Open a Rock and Discovered a Prehistoric Amphibian With a Clever Survival Strategy Thanks Claire!

Dolphins in Gulf of Mexico Are Now Testing Positive For Fentanyl

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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