My Weekly Fix

Yesterday was my grasslands day for the week. And we were out looking for the Southern Plains Bumble Bee again.

Narrow-leaf Gayfeather (Liatris punctata var mucronata) still going. However quite few were winding down.

Nestled among the grasses a few Black Dalea (Dalea frutescens) were still blooming!

As were the Prairie Verbena (Glandularia bipinnatifida) and Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)!

Here was a new grass for me, Slim Tridens (Tridentopsis mutica). No surprise, it has had a name change. LOL. In the FNCT it can be located under the name of Tridens muticus var muticus.

It was a beauty with the hairs and the one nerve on the glumes.
Here it was a little greener and you can see the one nerve better.

Some of the ligules were hairier than others. However this particular one was sparse. Additionally I looked for further references that might mention the brown spots. However none of the sources said not a word. Thanks Jeanne, for pointing out a new species to me.

Palofoxia callosa was scattered over the hillside. It is an easy plant to miss with wispy limbs and the pale pink flowers. This plant can be found on limestone soils.

No bumbles yet. But wait the morning was young. 🙂 More tomorrow!

These Freakish Ocean Creatures Can Combine as One When Injured

Scientists Found a Surprising Way to Make Fungus Happy

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Those comb jellies are really strange. I like the happy fungus. Who doesn’t like music even if it is white noise.

  2. Well, of course it has new name that is harder to pronounce! It is really pretty with the color and the hairs.

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