My Turn

Yesterday, Jeanne reported 30+ Monarchs in small area at Fossil Hill! Yesterday I only saw a half dozen or so. Today was a different story. I saw over the course of my two walks 150+. And that made me happy!

The morning started with the beautiful wispy clouds!
First one this morning!
These two were taking turns flapping their wings.
Then they became one! ๐Ÿ™‚
Sachems were invited to the party at the Narrow-leaf Gayfeather (Liatris punctata var mucronata) too!
Not to be left out, the Pipevine!
The spectacular Gulf Fritillary!
Final photo starting in the west at the bottom. The east is at the top. Loved the wispy clouds today!

It was my turn for a great butterfly day!

Lights out tonight please Migration Alert for 29 Sep 2024

Natureโ€™s Master Artists: Flowers That Paint Themselves

Potential biblical tree comes to life from 1,000-year-old desert seed

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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