Checked the Map

Checking my map we had made 6 years ago, we headed to more of our favorite roads.

A magnificent burl!
Time had marched on as part of the burl had rotted off since we had last visited.

A roadside attraction!

How many times do the vultures curse us as we disturb them. After all they do have important jobs.

Big-top Dalea (Dalea enneandra) was almost a goner!

The reddish dirt was the home for a Yellow Puff (Neptunia lutea)!

Roadrunner escaped into the brush!

It was good to see our old friend the Narrow-leaf Morning Glory (Ipomoea shumardiana) again. Certainly I hope they get of bit of rain to wash the dust off soon.

Our map certainly has helped us re-find places that have special treasures.

When Is “Recyclable” Not Really Recyclable? When the Plastics Industry Gets to Define What the Word Means.

Stonehenge’s Massive Central Stone May Have Been Shipped From Hundreds of Miles Away

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. That’s got to be the biggest burl I’ve seen. Vultures! Yes! Cant imagine what it would be like without them.

  2. The burl is fabulous. I wonder how one that large affects the tree’s health? Yes to the vultures. India has terrible problems now after eradicating them (inadvertently).

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