Dusty Roads

After the Potato-vine our next stop was on the sides of the roads on June 27th.

The Mountain Pink (Zeltnera beyrichii)! Furthermore it likes places many others find hostile. It can be found in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Mexico. Additionally at this stop a young man stopped to chat with us. He had taken some plant ID’ing in college. Then we pointed out several of plants including Arkansas Yuccas, Dogweed and others. In fact we meet the nicest people roadsides. πŸ™‚

A few years ago I happen to notice the Antioch Cemetery. It had been completely overgrow. And the sign was hard to see. Then the next year someone started locating graves and did some bush clearing. All the orange markers are graves. Today I found that there was a community called Gladys near the cemetery and there was an Antioch Baptist Church too.
Do you remember in the “Circling” post I mentioned Tadlock Mound? Well, James M Tadlock is buried in the Antioch Cemetery. He died in 1880 at 48 years old. So I didn’t get a photo of it but next time. Now that I know. πŸ˜‰
Indeed cemeteries can be good places to search for plants. Especially if they are not mowed regularly. A Roundleaf Scurfpea or Brown-Flowered Psoralea (Pediomelum rhombifolium) was drying up.
The Roundhead Prairie Clover (Dalea multiflora) was jump in and out of the car stop.

Last stop was at the only spot Shirley had ever seen this in North Texas, the Oenothera berlandieri ssp. pinifolia. The common one, Calylophus (Oenothera berlandieri) in our area does not have the black stigma. Sometimes this subspecies does not have the dark eye either.

It had been quite the dusty roads.

Jeanne’s car had a message!

Indeed what a lovely day it had been, dust and all. πŸ™‚

Today’s weather was so so nice. We actually had a low in the afternoon of 68F!

Inbreeding Not to Blame For Wooly Mammoth Extinction, Surprising Study Finds

Gardening for Life

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. I love prowling old cemeteries. Your historical tie-in of James Tadlock and Tadlock Mound is very interesting.

  2. The oenothera was really great to see close-up with that dark stigma. So unusual.
    Today was super – so cool and we gpt 0.45″ of welcome rain in the gauge!

  3. I remember Shirley taking a TF group there long time ago to see the special Calylophus. Her enthusiasm was memorable.
    That is so good to hear about the cemetery being taken care of.
    And I’m baffled on Mountain Pinks. In Carrollton I could grow them in black clay mixed with crushed limestone that was often moist. Go figure that one! But I usually see them on caliche hillsides. I have tried to get seed started in my cactus bed figuring it was dry enough but apparently it doesn’t like dry sand.

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