The Other Direction

American Indian Heritage Day (Friday).

I had accomplished my goal of getting the location data points of the Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) so I decided it would be fun to do a quick walk in the other direction.

More Mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum) next to a deep hole in the bank!

On this log I just liked the contrasting light and dark colors. However I also could imagine a critter with a long nose. LOL
Interesting creek bank soil that was so smooth.
The Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) that Jeanne and I had found earlier this fall was still standing on the rock.
It looked like it will be coming back next season!
This was the overview of the Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) growing in rock. It will be interesting to see if it can withstand flood waters. Of course I am being optimistic that we will get rain again. 🙂

The unidentified photographer from yesterday’s blog noticed the cool rock. Certainly a face!

Fall colors provided by the sycamore!
And what big leaves you have!

Fall colors along the road!

This concludes the Tuesday morning outing.

Could Wooden Satellites Reduce Space Junk? The First Is Set to Launch Next Year

The High-Flying Life of Mary Riddle

Translating Corn

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Wooden satellites- what a unique concept. But after reading the the corn article wonder of they could make them out of that too.

  2. The rock in the water looks like a smiling alligator peeking out. And ive never seen a sycamore leaf that big. Wow! Great creek.

  3. That smooth creek bank looks like it could be one of those pure Paluxy sandstone outcrops. Did you touch it or try to scratch it?

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