Was it too hot

This morning we did another quail survey. We have been using the Merlin app to record the species of birds we hear. This morning’s list includes Mourning Dove, Purple Martin American Crow, House Sparrow, Painted Bunting, Blue Grosbeak, Painted Bunting, Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, Carolina Wren, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, White-eyed Vireo, titmouse, Eastern Phoebe, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, House Finch, Summer Tanager, Northern Mockingbird, Downy and Ladder-back Woodpeckers, and the Great Crested Flycatcher. The cardinals and crows are what we usually hear at every stop. However, no Bobwhites this morning. 🙁 Sometimes the Merlin app tries to tell us we hear a bird that I know would not be in the area. But it is pretty good overall I think. The birds were not as vocal this morning. And we wondered if it was the heat? Or maybe the breeding season is about done.

The first stop of the day!

The last survey stop of the day! Buffalo Bur (Solanum rostratum) is a colorful yellow flower that is found often in disturbed areas like the roadside.

The prickly seed develops just below the sepals!

The survey was over for the morning. So we continued our search for the Pilostyles. This False Gaura (Stenosiphon linifolius) caught my eye!

Well, in this case it was not especially the False Gaura, but the eggs and bugs! Was it ants, aphids or what?

In this incidence, it was the what! No clue what kind of bugger it was then. It has two white spots on the rear, slightly hairy, and well, as cute as a bug. 😉

The little barrel shaped cases that were their former abodes! Checking my bug book (Tracks and Signs of Insects), I found that many stink bugs have more or less barrel shaped cases. So maybe!

So we were glued to this nature’s wonder. Furthermore, we watched as this one cleaned its antenna! Truly awesome!

This fledgling sums up the heat. Thanks Jim! Stay cool!

10 different types of clouds and how to tell them apart

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


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