1 minute and 6 seconds
As I walked along I noticed a beetle at a Gracie poop. Certainly I could spare a minute to watch it. Well, a minute and six seconds worth of video.
The Weirdest Eyes in The Animal Kingdom See a World We Can’t Imagine
Accidental Slingshot Wound to a Tree Reveals Unexpected Ant Behavior
This Wonder Bird Flies Thousands of Miles, Non-Stop, as Part of an Epic Migration
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Dung Beetle looked overwhelmed.
That poor beetle sure was havin a hard time. Getting nowhere fast.
All that effort just to stretch its wings for a moment? It had some other purpose in mind I guess. Interesting article about Hudsonian godwits- not a bird I’ve ever seen to my knowledge.
It was certainly interesting, when it had wings, why would seemly go up and down the dead end grasses. Like Suzanne said, it must have had some other purpose.